Das Blaue Amulett


Princes are searching for the path to the Castle of Light, on their journey they must solve three tasks by discarding cards and defeat the returning Dark Powers. Against those powers you can use Fate cards from arrow spots or the Blue Amulet. At the side of the board cards are displayed. You choose one of them in your turn and use it. Then you turn it over. It is only available again when all other cards have been used.  IF you meet other characters, they are pushed off the track and must continue their journey in opposite direction. Part 2 of the trilogy Die Magier – Das Blaue Amulett – Der Feuer-Salamander – new edition 2010,


Fantasy game of moves for 2-4 players, ages 8 and up * Designers: Michael and Johann Rüttinger * 60 610 6920, Germany, 2010 *** noris Spiele * www.noris-spiele.de