


In earlier times Charades have been popular entertainment on long winter evenings, complete with dressing-up and accessories, small entertaining performances. Then they went out of fashion. And then there was Activity and suddenly pantomimes where back in play as a games mechanism. Charade as a game named for a whole genre did pick up the pantomime mechanism first in 1989, was re-issued in 1994 and now there is again a revised edition of the game at Noris Spiele.

As dictated by the name you must put across terms in this game only by pantomime. On 110 cards 2640 terms are listed, which must be made clear to your team members by body language, miming and gesturing. After a decision of you as the active player on the side and column of the card drawn the final choice of term to enact is made by rolling dice. Then the term is shown to the opposing team. Then you as the active player enact the term; you may not talk, may not write the letters on air and cannot point to items in the room. Depending on the time used to impart the term successfully your team marker is moved 1 or 2 steps. When the term is not correctly guessed in the time-frame the marker remains in place. When the marker sits on a special spot, the next pantomime must be done implementing the conditions demanded by the spot, that could be “With eyes closed” or “arm in arm with a partner”.

There are mechanisms in games or complete genres of games that remain in fashion over long periods; charades are such a genre, and in this version, too, offer lots of fun with the hair-raising definition like reincarnation or “being in the know”.


Players: 4-12

Age: 12+

Time: ca. 45 min

Designer: Michael Rüttinger, Johann Rüttinger

Artist: Michael Rüttinger

Price: ca. 18 Euro

Publisher: Noris Spiele 2011



Genre: Creative communication game

Users: With friends

Special: Many players

Version: de

Rules: de

In-game text: yes



Standard topic * lots of well-chosen terms * gut for large but rather homogenous groups


Compares to:

Activitiy and other games using pantomimic presentation


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 3

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 2

Action (dark green): 3