

In earlier times Charades have been popular entertainment on long winter evenings, complete with dressing-up and accessories, small entertaining performances. As dictated by the name you must put across terms in this game only by pantomime. On 110 cards 2640 terms are listed, which must be made clear to your team members by body language, miming and gesturing. You play in teams, against time and sometimes with handicaps like “with eyes closed” or “arm in arm with a partner”. A really good game for large groups; special squares with special actions enliven the game even more.

New edition, earlier edition 1989 and 1994


Creative communication game for 4-12 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Noris Spiele 2011

Editors: Michael Rüttinger, Johann Rüttinger


Stock#: 60 601 6954


Users: With friends

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes