

Form hexagons by placing tiles; tiles either carry three colors, always two adjacent segments of one color, or - one per color - are mono-colored. The multicolor tiles are dealt evenly to all players; each player selects a color and takes the mono-color tile of that color. One player begins by setting down a multi color tile; all others in turn add a tile, their own color must touch the same color along at least one edge, all touching edges must correspond in color. Each completed hexagon in a player’s color scores him a point; if you completely surround your mono-color piece with the same color, you score an extra point. When all tiles are placed or nobody can place regularly anymore, you win with most completed hexagons.


Abstract placement game for 2-3 players, ages 8+


Publisher: New Entertainment 2014

Designer: Andy Allen

Art: not named

Web: www.newentertainment.com

Stock #: 1789


Users: For families

Special: 2 players


Version: multi * Rules: de en * In-game text: no