

After a post-apocalyptic catastrophe, caused by the secret CLOUD group, we are captains of airships and collect resource and fight Cloud Militia. You play a campaign of seven chapters or three different scenarios. Resources are water, metal, and energy; city cards - partly covered by clouds - name the number of available resources. You can only travel to each city once. Metal is needed to upgrade the airship; energy produces water and supports combat. Project cards cost resources and yield bonuses and victory points. Optional legacy mode and solo version.


Dystopic development game for 1-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: nanox Games / dlp Games 2020

Designer: Alexander Pfister, Arno Steinwender

Art: Christian Opperer


Stock #: NXG200101


Users: For experts

Special: 1 player


Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: no