

Tokugawa Ieyasu, the new Shogun, assigns Han Takamatsu as price for a contest, You move your Samurai in the palace: You must move one of your own Samurai and move more, but all over the same distance; their number equals the number of steps. If there are opposing Samurai in the room, you must take along at least one. You can empty a room with one or two Samurai in it, otherwise at least one must stay behind. When a Samurai reaches a room of his color, you take an open or face-down Shogun card and move your pagoda. When a pagoda reaches the finish, you win with most points at the end of the round after hidden Shogun cards have been applied.


Placement game for 2-5 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Mücke Spiele 2014

Designer: Martin Schlegel

Art: Klemens Franz, Andrea Kattnig

Web: www.muecke-spiele.de

Stock #: 092014


Users: With friends


Version: multi * Rules: de en jp * In-game text: no