The QUiz Escape Game


Quiz Scape

Travelling without quarantene


There you are: Time travel is possible - without tests, without restrictions, without quarantene - wounderful! But where is the rub? Exactly: During the first time travel the participating scientists did cause a disturbance of the timeline. Very unfortunate!

As repeated disturbances in the time web have occurred, the time patrol has been founded to track down all temporal disturbances and to counter the danger to past, present and future. A noble intention which we, as new recruits, of course wholeheartedly embrace!

Our first mission: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, world-famous author of the Sherlock Holmes novels and founder of deductive-forensic criminology, has suddenly disappeared. Quickly put the time jump timer to 60 minutes in the future and off we are into the London of Victorian times. Depending on current instructions, you either draw a mission card or a message card. Mission cards explain details of the task and provide the ambience flair, message cards take you into the heart of things: What was the name of Sherlocks housekeeper? What outfit do we have to select as time travelers to avoid standing out in Victorian London? Which street do we need to visit when we want to visit Sherlock Holmes? What is hiding behind Covent Garden? What does an informer want if he asks for a „Lady Godiva”?


Well done, dear Watson!

By and by we work through the cards with a joint effort and first suss out a fraudulent doppelganger of Sherlock Holmes and later also track down Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who is held captive in a secret hideout. Quiz questions are the main feature; to answer them you should at least have a passing acquaintance with the novels on which the game is based, as you accrue penalty minutes for wrong answers. You also must puzzle, when, for instance, you need to find a secret cache in Sherlock Holmes’ flat or to crack a color code, and sometimes you even need to take a close look at the game box itself to arrive at the correct solution.   

At the end, the time on the clock is checked. Did we remain within the time frame? If yes, we have proven ourselves as recruits for the time patrol. If not, we have to put in more practice time. Fortunately, there are two more adventures to master: In ancient Egypt, we have to cope with Cleopatra and secret scrolls, and there are also Leonardo da Vinci and the Infinity Machine waiting for our attention. Will our general knowledge be sufficient for those challenges ....?


Quiz Scape Das Quiz Escape Spiel is a not too difficult, cooperative escape game for all the family from teenage age up. Answering quiz questions is a new feature that amends the familiar, established solving of puzzles. Knowledge about the featured topics (Sherlock Holmes, Cleopatra, Leonardo da Vinci) is necessary, albeit in different levels of difficulty. Nice ambience with compelling game components which show themselves to full value in the individual missions.


Karin Bareder




Spieler: 2-5

Alter: 14+

Dauer: 60+






Zielgruppe: Für Familien

Version: de

Regeln: de

Text im Spiel: ja


Players: 2-5

Age: 14+

Time: 60+

Designer: Arno Steinwender

Artist: Folko Streese, Kreativbunker

Publisher: Moses. Verlag 2021


Genre: Quiz, escape room

Users: For families

Version: de

Rules: de

In-game text: yes



5 stars if you want more puzzles

4 stars if you do not care for the topics


My rating: 6


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 1

Knowledge (yellow): 3

Memory (orange): 1

Communication (red): 3

Interaction (brown): 1

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0