Happy Numbers


Numbers on picture cards tell stories. One hundred picture cards present the numbers of 00 to 099, one side shows the number incorporated into a picture, the other side the number alone. A crab with pincers, e.g., represents 30. You draw image cards, look at them and all players create a story. Then you draw a task card for a mini game and are rewarded markers for correct solutions, for instance naming the correct picture for a number. Then you can expand the story be one number. When you hold for markers you can demand a Master card and win in case of a correct solution. Includes duel cards for an advanced game.


Memo game for 3-6 players, ages 12+


Publisher: moses. Verlag 2015

Designer: Oco Odo, Alexander Mario Maier

Art: Oco Odo Alexander Mario Maier, Niklas Groschup, Ursula Graß, Volker A. Maas

Web: www.moses-verlag.de

Stock #: 90219


Users: With friends


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