Funky Party Games Knete-Fete


Boxes in neon candy colors, looking like modern treasure chests, featuring magnetic clasps and attractive interiors, are called Funky Party Games and offer fun for large groups of players; three different editions: Blind Paint, Knete-Fete and Mutprobe.

Knete-Fete: The sculptor of a team chooses one of the two terms - hard or easy - on the top card and models the term. The other members of the team guess; when the term is guessed correctly and there is time left, the sculptor can draw the next card. When time has run out, you score for correctly guessed terms; Terms featuring double nouns are announced and score 5 points. The first team to top 25 points, wins.


Party game for 4-44 players, ages 14+


Publisher: Moses 2011

Art: Silke Klemt


Stock#: 90121


Genre: Party games

Users: With friends

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes