Sei stark. Sag Nein!


Violence directed at children, danger for children - topic of this violence prevention game for all the family aims at playfully sensitizing children how to handle contacts with strangers. There are questions that need to be answered, terms must be illustrated and guessed at, pictures should be remembered and there are also exercises, all meant to teach how to protect yourself in daily life and how to gain self-confidence. For correctly answered questions and exercises you are given the card and score one point; you win with most points.


Violence prevention game for 1 or more children, ages 5+


Publisher: Moritz Toys in Kooperation mit Nürnberger Spielkarten Verlag 2012

Designer: Andreas Büdeker, Lutz Stepponat

Art: Haus des guten Geschmacks


Stock#: 09994408005


Users: For families

Age: 5


Special: 1 player


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes