Treasure hunt in the pyramid
Treasure hunters pour into the desert, they all want to find the mysterious pyramid, which has been featured in rumors for years. Now a very select group of explorers has managed to enter the pyramid and they need to apply all the deviousness and diligence they have to escape all the dangers and to salvage the treasures.
Depending on the number of players one has a time-frame of seven to fifteen rounds in order to collect most victory points. Each of those rounds has five phases: Start of the round, player movement, guardian movement, re-entry of players and end of round.
For player movement each player lays out an action card face-down, reveals and implements it, according to special movement rules. When meeting other players you move them aside one spot in the direction of their choice. For the guardian movement you roll the die and add the extra movement points of action cards you played. The guardian can only see straight ahead in the direction of the red and blue arrows. He moves in the direction of the red arrow; when he sees a player the red arrow is pointed at this player. If the guardian encounters treasures they are removed; if he encounters a player this player is taken off the board too, takes a curse marker and is re-entered into the game at the edge of the board at the end of the round. At the end of the game you score points for amounts, diversity and Ancient Book markers minus curses.
Pyramid raiders is a simple movement and collecting game as regards to topic and basic mechanisms, upgraded by the line-of-sight markers on the guardian and exit/re-entry mechanism on encounters with the guardian.
Players: 3-6
Age: 12+
Time: 20+
Designer: Moaideas Team
Art: Team
Price: ca. 26 Euro
Publisher: Moaideas Game Design 2012
Genre: Movement and collecting
Users: With friends
Version: multi
Rules: de cn + fr
In-game text: no
Standard mechanisms
Direction markers at the Guardian are an interesting detail
Good as an example for games from Taiwan
Difficult to obtain
Compares to:
Movement and collecting game with adventure elements
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 2
Tactic (turquoise): 2
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 2
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0