

You recruit Vikings for your gang, send them out to discover new territories, establish trade routes and settle; at the same time you enhance your reputation. In your turn you resolve two step: Reputation and Action. For Reputation you move the scoring marker according to the highest value of the reputation marker. For Action your choose either recruiting or exploring. For Recruiting you put a Viking from your hand into your crew display, take the assets and then take up the Viking from the box on the board whose color corresponds to that of the recruited Viking and replenish the board. For Exploring, you select a destination from the display, pay the costs and discard the necessary Vikings from your crew. Then you take the destination card and the assets. Once in your turn you can trade, using acquired bracelets. If someone has 40 points, you win at the end of the round with most points.


Card game for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: MM-Spiele 2023

Distribution: Hutter Trade

License: Bombyx

Designer: Thomas Dupont

Art: Antoine Carrion

Web: www.hutter-trade-com

Stock #: 991 134


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: cs de en fr hu ja * In-game text: no