Shinobi Arts
As a Ninja you try to steal valuables, use Shinobi Arts - the art of the Ninjas - and cooperate with others in the Clan. Items have different values that change in the presence of other items. In your turn you must either steal or attack - both with using a Shinobi Arts card - or investigate. Then you can use a Shinobi Arts card effect or reveal your partner und use him or leave the clan or pass. When the end-of-round conditions are met, you show your items and apply their effects. You win the round and honor with the most valuable item und win the game with three honor points.
Collecting game for 3-5 players, ages 10+
Publisher: QBIST / minimalGames 2015
Designer: Seiji Kanai
Artist: Namako, Ebi, Sakura Naoki, Kasai Yuya
Stock#: 99150 8
Users: With friends
Version: jp * Rules: de en fr + jp * In-game text: yes