

Two Viking seafarers plunder new lands for coins and construct villages, harbors and other settlements, and maybe take prisoners or find allies. Territories are on display as pairs of islands. In the Recruitment phase players put Viking warriors - wooden discs of their color - on the board of move those on the board to assemble a Raiding Troop - you need six or more Vikings in a troop. If you can assemble a troop by putting your Viking on top, you must do it. When a troop is assembled, a Raid phase begins. The Viking on top of the stack gives his owner first choice of island, then both resolve the Raid and Island effects. If someone, at the end of his turn, has three identical buildings in his territory or 16 coins, he wins instantly.


Placement and collecting game for 2 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Mind Fitness Games 2016

Designer: József Dorsonczky

Artist: Niki Czank


Stock#: 00018 9


Users: With friends

Special: 2 players


Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: no