played for you
Explanations by wire
All players decide on one of two teams, teams alternate in being the active team. One player of the active team is the performer. He draws five cards face-down. Each card names a term and a score for the type of explanation used. The performer now tries – within the runtime of the timer - to explain one term after the other with a type of explanation chosen by hi, so that his team members guess the term correctly. He can at any time set aside a card and come back to it later.
Options for ways to explain are: Drawings without numbers or letters; Sculpting shapes; Pantomime without touching or pointing to items; Humming or Whistling; Form shapes with wire; Clown with grimacing and mouth sounds; Naming one word; Naming two words or reading the Trivia Question from the card. The Scorekeeper in the opposing team marks the points for the active team for all correctly guessed terms according to the explanation options.
The performer can also choose the explanation option with the spinner. The indicated option must be used for all five terms and you score double the points for each correctly guessed term. Should the spinner indicate -100, you play the round in the normal way and lose 100 points at the end of the game.
When the timer has run down the opposing team can steal points; they have one chance at a correct answer, based on what the heard and saw, for each of cards that were not guessed; if they guess correctly they score the points according to the explanation option.
Creativity is creative communication as we know it from many games, the additional explanation options are cute and witty and introduce some variation.
Players: 2-8
Age: 12+
Time: 30+
Designer: Mark H. Ribeiro
Artist: not named
Price: ca. 30 Euro
Publisher: Iello / MHR 2016
Genre: Creativity, communication
Users: With friends
Special: Many players
Version: en
Rules: en fr
In-game text: yes
Originally published in Canada
Now French and English editions at Iello
Standard mechanisms with witty additions
Compares to:
All communication games on explaining terms
Other editions:
French edition at Iello; also as Pick ‚n‘ Choose at MHR Games
Chance (pink): 1
Tactic (turquoise): 0
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 3
Knowledge (yellow): 2
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 3
Interaction (brown): 1
Dexterity (green): 2
Action (dark green): 2