The Settlers of the Stone Age

An Exiting Game of Migration and Development


Adventure Mankind – Development and migration of Homo Sapiens from Africa over all continents, this is the theme of this game based on the series in the „Stern“ Magazine. The basic mechanisms are those of “Settlers of Catan”, the die is rolled for resources, these resources can be traded or used to place nomads, create tribes or pay for advanced in the categories feed, construction, clothing or hunting & fighting. One scores victory points for tribes, adaption from event tiles, majorities in event tiles and being the first to reach the highest development stage of a category. One has only 5 tribes, but needs 10 victory points, so one has to dissolve tribes beginning in Africa, regions in Africa can turn into desert, too.


Development game * Game family: The Settlers of Catan * 3-4 players from age 10 * Designer: Klaus Teuber *** 3201, Mayfair, USA, 2002 * Mayfair Games *