Steam Map Expansion #4


Map Expansion #4 for Steam again offers a double-sided board, for Poland on the one side and Southern Africa on the other. Poland is meant for 3-4 players; there are rule changes for the base and the standard game and rules for two players. Orange is a neutral color for wide gauge tracks; changing track gauge costs 3$. The Southern Africa map is designed for 3-6 players and introduces rule changes for base and standard game, too; roles have been changed - City Growth is replaced by the Prospector. With one of your building actions you can explore a mine and make goods available for delivery.


Expansion for Steam for 2-8 players, ages 13+


Publisher: Mayfair Games 2014

Designer: Morgan Dontanville, Martin Wallace

Artist: -


Stock#: 45614


Users: For experts


Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: yes