Steam Map Expansion #1
Games Variants and Mini Expansions Set #1
Steam is a revised edition of Age of Steam. You build track, develop cities, enhance the range of engine and secure goods for delivery. Goods earn you income or victory points. In a round you can do the following: issue shares, determine order of play, choose actions, build track, transport goods. Then there are income, costs, loss of income, goods and round marker actions. You win with most victory points for published income and sections of finished links. Issued shares cost you 3 victory points each.
The Five Way Town is added to the general supple at the start of the game. When this tile is urbanized it is returned to the general supply and may be used again.
Expansion for Steam for 2-7 players, ages 12+
Publisher: Mayfair Games 2012
Designer: -
Stock #: -
Users: For experts
Special: Many players
Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: ja