Nuns on the Run The Anchorite

Games Variants and Mini Expansions Set #1


Temptation has lured the novices out of their cells, but the abbess and the prioress patrol the corridors. The guards, too, are fast and have good hearing, so you need some luck and craftiness to get back to your cell undetected. A round comprises movement of novices and guards and relocation of the round marker. If nobody has one before the end of round 15, the guards win at the end of round 15 and the game ends. As a novice you hold a secret wish card and a set of keys as well as information on the location of the item. To win you must find the key, reach the location and take the item back to your cell.

The Anchorite token is placed in any one of the listed fields on the board; he does not move and neither the Novices nor the Guards may ove into or through the Anchorite token. The Anchorite blocks line of sight.


A game of movement for 2-8 players, ages 10 and up


Publisher: Mayfair Games 2012

Designer: Morgan Dontanville

Art: -


Stock#: Set #1


Users: With friends

Special: Many players


Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: some