Hold your Breath
The third game in the „Get Bit“ series. The silly pirates are treading water and play “hold your breath” in order to find out who is the toughest one. You play two rounds - in round One you dive as deeply as possible, provided you have the corresponding “Swim” and “Air” cards. In Round Two you must come up again and you win if you dive deepest and manage to come up again. This you try to stop by playing “Panic” or “Shark at your fellow players.
Card game for 2-4 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Mayday Games 2014
Designer: Daniel Jenkins, Christopher Urinko
Artist: Max Holliday, poopbird.com
Web: www.maydaygames.com
Stock#: 884939
Users: For families
Age: 6
Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: no