Harry Potter Hogwarts Dueling Club Game
Duel in Hogwarts – you win if you are first to win a token from each player and then win the final duel. You roll a die and move your pawn maximum the number of steps; from classroom slots you learn spells by drawing a spell card; on common areas you receive items with special abilities for use in duels; duels are fought in the Dueling Club; when moving there you can challenge another player; both roll according to the numbers appearing in the spell decoder. After challenging someone you both cannot change your card in the decoder for the duel,. Wizard Duels are fought outside the club, you can win spell cards.
Dice game for 2-4 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Mattel Inc. 2004
License: Warner Brothers, JKR
Designer: Brian Yu
Stock #: C1895
Users: For children and families
Version: de en fr nl sv * Rules: de en es fr nl sv * In-game text: no