Future me Problems
Inspired by Sarah Andersen’s web comic „Sarah’s Scibbles“, you try to avoid large and important task by squandering time, shunning responsibilities, and taking lots of naps. You plan your day with time planning cards – don’t forget to end the day with a nap – and collect activity cards. Activity cards are annoying responsibilities which cost you points; others represent diversions which score you points. In your turn you display cards from your hand openly to plan your day, last card is always a nap, and then you resolve the tasks laid out; cards drawn you put into your scoring stack. If your turn is complete, you discard the time planning cards and replenish your hand to five cards from the stack or from the assistance row; if necessary you then refill the assistance row. If you draw the card of the large and important task, you lose 5 points and the game ends; the winner is whoever has most points.
Card Game for 2-4 players, ages 7+
Publisher: Mattel 2022
Designer: Nicolas Melet
Art: Sarah Andersen
Web: www.mattel.com
Stock #: HPH10
Users: For families
Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes