Blokus to Go!
Blokus is a colorful placement game with 21 shapes made up by placing 1 to 5 squares adjacent to each other edge on edge. You should place all tiles and place them in the color order of blue, yellow, red and green. The first tile of each player must be placed in his corner. Then you take turns to place tiles so that your own color is only touching at tile corners. Other colors can touch along the edges. If you cannot place a tile you pass. When nobody can place a tile anymore you score one penalty point for each square in each unplaced tile and bonus points for placing all tiles or placing the solitaire piece last. Travel edition for 2 players, folding box with storage function.
Abstract placement game for 2 players, ages 5 and up * Designer: Bernard Tavitian * ca. 15 min * 81387 6, Mattel, 2010 *** Mattel Inc *