Shake Shake

Shake Tower


Korean Pavilion at Essen - since three years this is a source of interesting game and some surprises, and so it was last year: There were two editions of the same game on show - in the New Releases Show Shake Tower was presented; at the Pavilion I was given Shake Shake; both are differently packed editions of the same game, a Tetris version on a wobbly basis. Even the publisher has changed, 2009 it was MagicBean for Shake Shake, 2011 it is new Aurum for Shake Tower.

On a square base sits a second, round base, not fixed, but loosely and mobile. In analogy to Tetris all players build a cylindrical tower on that basis together. Two players are each given 16 pieces in two colors, in a game of three or four you play with eight pieces of one color. You play with one hand and may not stabilize sliding blocks and furthermore you should try to place your blocks in a way that the next player cannot easily fill the gap. In a variant of the game cards pose puzzles, which you should solve by combining blocks to the formations in demand; the result are shapes/constructions similar to animals. Another version is a solo game in which you combine all pieces on the round board - this time flat on the table - into a closed cylinder of even height and a flat, even top border surface.

Regardless of which version you play, you always train balance and a sense of equilibrium, especially when building together on the wobbly base! And, in any case, logical thinking in three dimensions and also sense for shapes and furthermore problem solving, too, so Shake Tower is an attractive pastime whatever way you look at it.


Players: 2-4

Age: 6+

Time: 10+

Designer: not named

Art: not named

Price: ca. 25 Euro

Publisher: MagicBean 2009/Aurum 2011


Genre: Dexterity

Users: For families

Special: 1 player

Version: en

Rules: en

In-game text: no



Published in several versions

Currently as Shake Tower at Aurum

Trains balance, logical thinking, 3D perception and equilibrium


Compares to:

#Tetris and other assembling games with blocks


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 2

Action (dark green): 2