Thermopyles is a new idea for a combination of two passions, a passion for travel and a passion for games. Travels for gamers, so to say - the first summer event was called Cardboard & Sun 2013. As a gift for participants there was a card game, specially designed, called Thermopyles. In this cooperative card game, all players together guide the Spartans in their desperate struggle to fight of the overwhelming invasion army of the Persians. The decision when to deploy your strongest units decides the outcome of the game. A Persian unit is defeated when cards played by all surpass the strength of the active Persian unit. Packed in a carton named Cardboard & Sun Patros 2013.
Card game for 1-4 players, ages 10+
Publisher: 2013
Designer: Touko Tahkokallio
Art: Mateusz Bielski, Tasos Kyriakidis
Users: With friends
Special: 1 player
Version: en * Rules: en gr * In-game text: no