Patchwork 10 Jahre Jubiläum
A quilt is created from patches. If you are last on the time board, you can advance and take buttons or add patches and advance. For buttons you place your time piece on the spot in front of your opponent and take one button per step. For patches you choose an available patch, place your time piece next to it, pay the necessary buttons and place the patch on your quilt board. Markings on the time board yield special patches and scorings for buttons on the quilt. The first player to completely fill a 7x7 square earns the special tile. When both time pieces are at the finish, you score buttons minus free squares on the quilt board.
The edition on occasion of 10 Years Anniversary features new patterns and the Automa deck for a solo game; the new pattern replace those of the original edition.
Placement game for 1-2 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Lookout Spiele 2024
Designer: Uwe Rosenberg
Editor: Grzegorz Kobiela
Artist: Cecilia Mok, Carrie Cantwell, Klemens Franz, Ricarda Kleine, atelier198
Stock#: LOG0075
Users: For families
Special: 1 or 2 players
Version: de * Rules: de en es fr hu ja nl * In-game text: no