Mischwald Alpin


To achieve an ecologically balanced habitat for flora and fauna, you play tree cards from your hand and place animals, plants and mushrooms next to them. Cards for animals, plants and mushroom species are split horizontally or vertically into two different species. You begin with a cave and six cards in hand, the clearing is laid out. In a turn, you either draw two cards from stack or clearing OR play a card into your forest, pay the costs with cards placed into the clearing, resolve effects and eventual bonuses and then check the clearing; in case of 10 or more cards there, all cards are removed. Species cards are placed at a free side of a tree card; with the third winter card drawn the game ends immediately; you score your visible cards in your forest and cards from card effects under your cave.

The Alpin supplement features 36 new cards for alpine flora and fauna, among them two new types of trees.

Needs core game to play


Supplement for Mischwald for 2-5 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Lookout Spiele 2024

Designer: Kosch

Development, editing: Maren Holderbaum

Art: Toni Llobet, Judit Piella, atelier198

Web: www.lookout-spiele.de

Stock #: LOOD0064


Users: For families and with friends


Version: de * Rules: de and 9 languages * In-game text: no