Das Ende des Triumvirats


56 BC, Civil War in the Roman Republic, enmity between the members of the first triumvirate. Playing Caesar, Pompeius or Crassus players try to gain power in Rome, either by being elected Consul twice (political victory) or by conquering 9 provinces (military victory) or by showing competence both in politics and military matters by reaching Square VII on the respective scales (competence victory). Each move consists of supplies, movement and actions. Then the calendar marker is moved, if it reaches the mark “Eligio“ the Consul is determined. After four Consul elections the game ends.


Political development game * 2-3 players from age 10 * Designers: Johannes Ackva and Max Gabrian * no serial number, Lookout, Germany, 2005 * Lookout Games * www.lookout-games.de