Bohn Camillo

And Pebbohne


Napoleon, Rapunzel, Al Capone and Sleeping Beauty, they all have already made an appearance in an expansion for Uwe Rosenberg iconic card game Bohnanza - now the stage is given to Don Camillo and Peppone, sorry, Bohn Camillo and Pebbohne.

The eight Holy Ghost Beans are shuffled into the bean cards from the basic game and each player has four bean fields at his disposal plus a discard spot for his action cards.

A player’s turn comprises four phases: Phase 1 is the same as in the basic game; in Phase 2 you must plant the turned-up cards yourself or give them to your opponent; trading is NOT allowed and you can only give away beans that your opponent has currently planted. He must return the gift with a bean card that you currently have planted. If he cannot do so he must show his cards. You cannot give away cards from your hand! In Phase 3 you draw three cards and in Phase 4 you can play any number of action cards. You acquire action cards at harvest; if you harvest for a minimum of 2 bean coins you draw an action card. When an action card has been played you cannot harvest in order to avoid its effect. Bohn Camillo cannot plant Red Beans, he must give them to Pebbohne who must instantly plant them; when Pebbohne turns up Red Beans he must plant them instantly, too. Holy Ghost Beans are treated in the same way for Bohn Camillo. You win with most bean coins when the draw pile has been exhausted three times.

Cute, funny and unusual and yet Bohnanza as we know it - the idea with Red Beans and Holy Ghost Beans is ingenious, small wonder that you have four fields! Trés bean!


Players: 2

Age: 12+

Time: 30+

Designer: Sascha Hendriks, Rosenberg Uwe

Art: Björn Pertoft, Klemens Franz

Price: ca. 7 Euro

Publisher: Lookout Games 2011


Genre: Card game

Users: With friends

Special: 2 players

Version: de

Rules: de

In-game text: no



For two players only

Needs Bohnanza to play

Especially cute and interesting

Fits the topic excellently


Compares to:

All other editions and expansions of Bohnanza


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 3

Tactic (turquoise): 1

Strategy (blue): 1

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 3

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0