CAstle reconstruction vs. Dragons
Dragons are the intrinsic inhabitants of the island, the few humans seek shelter in the castle, but the castle has been destroyed in a storm and must be rebuilt. Castle parts are laid out on the path, dragons begin in their lair and playing pieces at the start. You roll, move and take the castle part from the spot reached, if there is such a part. From now on you move along the path to carry the part to the beach and place it on its marked castle spot. If you do not reach a castle part you must complete the path without a part, and you can only carry one part at a time. When a dragon symbol is rolled for the first time, one dragon leaves the lair and steps onto the first spot of the dragon path. For each additional dragon symbol rolled the dragon advances one step to the final spot of the dragon path, then the second dragon follows, etc. When encountering a dragon, players must flee into the magic wood, taking their castle part with them. You can only escape the magic wood when you roll a luck symbol. If you roll such a symbol and are not in the wood, you can either advance 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 steps, at your choice, or give this magic movement to another player, who can move or, if necessary, get out of the wood. When all five dragons are on the dragon path before all players reach the beach and the castle is complete, all have lost; if the castle is complete and all players are on the beach without all dragons being on the path, all have won together.
As all other games from Logis this, too, is simple, easy and very pretty. The cooperative element is nicely done and the Luck Symbol even allows a bit of tactic.
Players: 2-4
Age: 5+
Time: 20+
Designer: Claude Weber
Artist: Gediminas Akelaitis
Price: ca. 20 Euro
Publisher: Logis 2013
Genre: Roll, move, assemble
Users: For children
Version: multi
Rules: de en fr
In-game text: no
Very pretty design
Simple rules
Good cooperation mechanism
A bit of tactics due to Luck Symbol
Compares to:
All roll & move games plus assembling something
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 2
Tactic (turquoise): 1
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 2
Interaction (brown): 2
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0