


Communicate safely


Communication via secret codes which must be transmitted without being intercepted by the opposing team. Codes are on cards and consist of four numbers, each one is either a One, Two, Three or Four. A screen for each team has four positions, One, Two, Three and Four, marked accordingly, and receptor slits for key word cards.

All members of a team sit on the same side of the table, with clear views of their screen. Each team draws four encrypted key word cards and puts them into their screen. Four words appear at positions One to Four of the screen.

The Encoder of each team draws one card from his set of code cards, for instance code 4.3.2, his team members must not see the code! Then he tries, in sequence of the numbers in the code - give clues to the words in those positions on the screen. Team White begins, team Black hears the clues and both teams take corresponding notes. Then team Black is first to read out their guess on team White’s code, then team White reads out their guess. If team Black has guessed correctly, it receives an Intercept marker. If Team White guessed its own code correctly, there is no reward, but if they guessed wrongly, the team must take a Misunderstanding marker. Then team Black is active, the encoder gives the clues, White guesses first, then Black, etc. If after that, one team has two Intercept markers, it has won; if a team has two Misunderstanding markers, it has lost; otherwise, another round is played.

Challenging and very well working communication game with the usual restriction to possible clues; the encoder must be very careful to keep the order of the key word positions in the code for clues.


Players: 3-8

Age: 12+

Time: 30+

Designer: Thomas Lespérance-Dagenais

Art: NILS, Fabien Fulchiron, Manuel Sanchez

Price: ca. 18 Euro

Publisher: Scorpion Masque / Asmodee 2018


Genre: Use cues, guess position

Users: With friends

Special: Many players

Version: de

Rules: cn de en es fr it pl ru

In-game text: yes



Very good mechanism

Exact order of cues is essential

Challenging communication fun


Compares to:

Games with cues for guessing other words


Other editions:

Asmodee (es it), GoKids (cn), Iello (en), Lavka (ru), Portal (pl), Scorpion Masque (en es fr)


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 3

Knowledge (yellow): 2

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 3

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0