The Official Dealer McDope Dealing Game


Based on the Freak Brother Comics: You begin in Doobietown, roll and move your pawn. The slot you reach is resolved, topic is buy and sell drugs to make money and then party. Supposedly cult in the 70ties, still very expensive when on offer for sale.

This edition has five pawns - probably out of a chewing gum machine or similar device. Revised Edition, Cover brown, rulebook yellow


On BGG, Revised Edition is dated with 1981, rules carry 1993 as latest (c). A review confirms black as color for the 1993 edition.


Roll/move/resolve event game for 2-6 players, ages18+


Publisher: Last Gasp ???

Designer: T. Elton Snatchit (???), maybe Dave Sheridan and Tom Patchett

Art: not named

Web: -

Stock #: -


Users: With friends


Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: yes