

Sandy beaches, coconut trees, fish, wrecked ships and what else? If you want to earn money in the South Sea you can fish, salvage antiquities from the wrecks or look after tourists. In turn all players apply the phases of a round – first preparation, then choice of a new character, then choice of action from nine possible ones by placement of five action markers – you must be able to implement a chosen action – followed by implementing one action per round and using rest tiles. 10 money units are automatically changed to 5 prosperity points. After 8 rounds and a final scoring you win with most prosperity points.


Resources management game for 3-5 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Krok Nik Douil

Designer: Alain Epron

Art: Cédric le Bihan


Stock#: 40004 3


Users: With friends


Version: multi * Rules: de fr / en jp * In-game text: no