Ursula Lauster Spiele Zahlen-Fische


Calculation training game for second grade, contains the four basic operations and numbers up to 100. Numbers are rolled and used in calculations, results are covered with chips on the number fish. If no result is found or the result is already covered, the shark receives a tooth. A player to place all his chips or to cover the last number on the fish wins the game, if the shark has all 12 teeth the players have lost. In the variants numbers are added and the fish covered, for numbers already covered the dolphin is fed, or players must try to roll numbers for a higher total than their opponent’s, and thereby place chips on the number fish.


Learning game * 1-4 players from age 7 *  Designer: Gertrud Köpf * Graphics: Oliver Freudenreich * 69 62 69, Kosmos, Germany, 2005 *** Kosmos Verlag * spielwaren@kosmos.de * www.kosmos.de