Ursula Lauster Spiele Lese-Detektive


Learning to train content-related reading. Players are detectives in town and receive the newest cases as an SMS on their mobile phone. The detective-in-chief reads out the description, players listen and look for hints on the map of the town, where the solution is hidden among many similar situations. If a players believes to have found the correct place he puts his playing-piece on the spot, the detective-in-chief places his piece last. Then all players control the solution together, players with correctly placed pieces receive chip. When the text cards are used , the player with the most chips wins the game.


Learning game * 1-4 players from age 7 *  Designer: Kai Haferkamp * Graphics: Oliver Freudenreich and Björn Pertoft * 69 62 76, Kosmos, Germany, 2005 *** Kosmos Verlag * spielwaren@kosmos.de * www.kosmos.de