Ursula Lauster Spiele Gesucht + Gefunden


2 nearly identical pictures are laid out from 24 tiles each and players try to find the differences, in a variant the backsides with large motives are used. The magnifying glass marks the part where players look for differences and note them down. When the hour glass has run down players score 3 points for a difference they found alone and 1 point for a difference several players have found. Then players move their pawn according to the score, the first to reach the finish line wins the game


Learning game * 1-4 players from age 7 *  Designers: Kai Haferkamp and Rüdiger Husmeier * Graphics: Oliver Freudenreich and Björn Pertoft * 69 62 83, Kosmos, Germany, 2005 *** Kosmos Verlag * spielwaren@kosmos.de * www.kosmos.de