Ubongo Die Schule der Magischen Tiere Der Film


A theme variant of Ubongo; you have 12 puzzle parts and a scoring board showing one of the Magical Animals. You take a task board – chosen side, easy or difficult – up, and a die roll determines the task to solve. All try simultaneously to fill their board exactly with the tiles indicated for the task, with out gaps or overreaching parts. If you are done first and call Ubongo, you take a sapphire from the round board and keep your board, the second to finish takes an amber and keeps the board, the next ones finishing in time get to keep their board. If you did not fill your board, you receive nothing. After nine rounds, you win with most points from gems and boards. In a cooperative version all try to complete as many sets of boards of all four animals as possible.


Tile placement game for 1-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Kosmos Verlag 2024

Designer: Grzegorz Rejchtman

Development, editing: Redaktion: Michael Sieber-Baskal

Art: Sensit Communications

Web: www.kosmos.de

Stock #: 684501


Users: For families

Special: 1 player


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no