The Walking Dead


As a survivor of the Zombie apocalypse you must find food, weapons, transport and allies, represented by four location tiles, and return to camp without being bitten. A turn comprises rolling dice and move, implement the square you reached, reveal encounter card if necessary and end of turn. Encounter cards usually result in conflict, which is resolved with roll of dice and use of equipment cards. If you lose a conflict you are bitten; if you cannot deflect the bite with an ally tile, you become a Biter, that is, a Zombie, and play with special rules and attack other survivors. In a game of four you can play a team version.


Adventure game for 1-4 players, ages 16+


Publisher: Kosmos 2013

Designer: Cory Jones

Art: Larry Renac, Marco Sipriaso, Nancy Unzueta, John Vineyard


Stock Nr.: 692148


Users: With friends

Special: 1 player


Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: yes