The Gang


Three successful lootings before the alarm has been triggered trice, achieved by a poker variant based on Texas Hold´em. Bluffing in this variant is a no go! Information on your own and other players’ cards can only be shared or acquired by watching the chips movements. One looting comprises four rounds and a showdown. Round 1 – two cards are dealt and you take one of the white chips; the number of stars on it gives your assessment of the strength of your hand; the more stars the better your cards. If all have a chip, you lay out three cards from the stack for Round 2 and all take a chip yellow chip of the round; in round 3, another card is laid out and all take an orange chip. Round 4 is the same as Round 3, all take a red chip. In the showdown, you name – in order of the number of stars on your red chip – your strongest possible combination of five cards selected from your hand and the display; if all players can name combinations in ascending strength or of the same strength as the previous one, the looting was successful. In the advanced mode, special cards and challenge cards are introduced to the game.


Cooperative poker variant for 3-6 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Kosmos Verlag 2024

Designer: John Cooper, Kory Heath

Technical development: Carsten Engel

Editing: Ralph Querfurth, Tobias Gayer

Art: Fiore GmbH


Stock #: 683887


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no