Sudoku Das Würfelspiel


The board shows a 6x6 Sudoku, 56 Chips are handed to the player according to the rules. In his a player rolls all4 dice, he must place a minimum of one die on an empty square with the same number and then decides if he rolls on or not. If a player cannot place a die, his turn ends. In a turn dice can only be placed within a row, column or block. If a player stops deliberately, he places a chip on each square of the board containing a die and may discard a chip for each row, column or block he completed. The first player out of chips wins the game.


Placement game with dice * 2-4 players from age 8 * Designer: Reiner Knizia * Graphics: Sensit * 691684, Kosmos, Germany, 2006 *** Kosmos Verlag *