Star Wars The Clone Wars Überfall der Droiden


The heroes of the Republic are surrounded by 36 face-down droid tiles. You roll both dice, they tell you strength and color of the attacking droid and the color of the attacked hero. All search for the droid, using one hand only, and put back incorrect ones immediately. IF you find the droid, you name the hero and put the tile on him. IF you are first to do so you keep the droid. If you believe that the droid is no longer in play you get any tile if you are correct. If you are first to hold five defeated droids you win.


Spotting and memo game for 2-4 players, ages 6+


Publisher: Kosmos 2013

Designer: Robert Kräppbeck

Art: Bluguy


Stock#: 710910


Users: For children

Age: 6


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no