Sky Team


Land a plane safely by coordinating actions! One player is pilot using blue dice, the other co-pilot using orange dice. You may discuss all but dice and their use. Then both roll their dice behind their screen and cannot communicate any more till before the next roll. The cockpit has slots for Radio, Speed, Rudder, Flaps, Engines, Landing Gear and Brakes as well as Indicators for current position and current height,  and for re-roll and concentration, too. You alternate to place a suitable die, for color or indicated number values in the slot. Rudder and engines are compulsory slots; the game is lost, when, at the end of a round, there are not both a blue and an orange die there. Durin the game, there are recurring conditions for individual elements – if they are not met, the game is lost. When, at the end of the last round, there is no plane on the distance track AND all landing gear and flap indicators show green AND the plane is in perfectly horizontal orientation AND the speed is slower than your braking power, the game is won, A log offers additional scenarios for various airports.


Cooperative dice placement for 2 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Kosmos Verlag 2024

License: Le Scorpion Masqué

Designer: Luc Rémond

Art: Eric Hibbeler, Adrien Rives, Sébastien Bizos

Ediing: Christian Lemay, Sachseneder Christian, Sebastian Wenzlaff


Stock #: 684044


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de fr * In-game text: no