

Piranhas eat fish, in this case all fish of another color. Bigger fish eat smaller fish of the same color. All hold their cards as a face-down stack. The target card is revealed and all play simultaneously. You turn up your top card in the stack and check if it fits the target card and, if yes, put it there. If not, you put it on your own display stack or keep it until it fits, but only one such card and you can then play only this card. A card fits if it shows a bigger fish of the same color as the target card; there are fish in eight colors and four sizes; the biggest and third-biggest fish always swim to the left, the others to the right. A piranha fits if he has a different color from all the fish on the card and a fish card fits a piranha when they are all different from the piranha. If necessary the display stack becomes your new face-down stack. When you discard your last card first you win.


Card shedding game for 2-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Kosmos 2012

Designer: Reiner Knizia

Art: Michael Menzel, Michaela Kienle

Web: www.kosmos.de

Stock#: 740245


Users: For families

Age: 8