Machi Koro Die neue Stadt


There are always five cards on display from each of three stacks with cards for 46 1-die-businesses, 40 2-dice-businesses and 20 mega projects. in three starting building phases you can use your – at the beginning 5 -coins to acquire buildings from the displays for your own display. Then you take turns to be active and roll 1 or 2 dice – businesses earn income, if they show the die result or the sum of both dice results; the person icon on the building card tells you if you earn income if you rolled the dice or another player did; payment is done by bank or another player. Income/payments are resolved by given order. Mega projects have effects; either for all players or instant effects or effects only for the active player who built the project. If you have built three mega projects, you win.

Stand-alone variant of Machi Koro; cannot be combined with Machi Koro or the Großstadt expansion 


City building game for 2-5 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Kosmos 2022

Designer: Masao Suganuma

Artist: Noboru Hotta, Elli Jäger

Editing: Felix Noe, Wolfgang Lüdtke


Stock #: 683344


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de en jp nl * In-game text: yes