La Boca


Construction on order: You play in varying teams a team of two, determined by turning up partner chips. You share one order card, showing a different construction on each side. Now both must use all blocks together to achieve a construction corresponds to a player’s side of the card when looked at by him. Players may talk to correlate the construction, but can only look at their on card side. Blocks need not be in line, the construction may not exceed the 4x4 grid and must be without gaps; all blocks must be used. Both players score points related to the time needed. When all partner chips have been used you win with most points.


Construction game for 3-6 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Kosmos 2013

Designer: Inka and Markus Brand

Art: Franz Vohwinkel


Stock#: 691775


Users: For families

Age: 8


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no