

Sherlock collects clue to solve the case of the  attack on Parliament, Moriarty collects them to fog the issue and hinter Sherlock. Person and Clue cards are displayed, during the game new persons are added; Dr. Watson, Mrs. Hudson and Inspektor Lestrade are always available for interrogation. Sherlock and Moriarty alternate to take a standing action marker off a person card, lay it down on another person and implement that person’s ability, which is usually manipulation of clues and influence markers. At the end you score for majorities of clue types or all clues of a kind and for map fragments; unassigned jokers give you penalty points.


Set collecting game for 2 players, ages 10


Publisher: Kosmos 2017

Designer: Diego Ibáñez

Artist: Pedro Soto, Mirko Suzuki, Andreas Resch

Web: www.kosmos.de

Stock#: 692766


Users: With friends

Special: 2 players


Version: de * Rules: de en es it pl * In-game text: no