Harry Potter Wettstreit um den Hauspokal


In seven rounds, you use your abilities to collect points for the House Cup; you use Knowledge and Magic to improve your levels in Chars, Potions and Defense against the Dark Arts. You have three students for your house. In Phase One of a round – Classes – you place one student at a time on the board and can, for every student, learn an optional lesson, when you meet the requirements, and earn a reward. Whan all students are placed, Phase Two – Challenges – is played. You take back your students tot he Common Room and can try two easy challenges or one easy and one hard challenge, more than one student can work on a challenge. If you do not meet the necessary requirements, you can learn lessons and try challenges by discarding Magic tokens. After seven rounds, you score gems in the Hourglass, markers at Level 7 in abilities and pairs of magic plus knowledge tokens.

Strategy game for 2-4 players, ages 11+


Publisher: Kosmos Verlag 2022

Designer: Nate Heiss

Art: Delaney Mamer

Editing: Kami Mandell, Patrick Marino

Web: www.kosmos.de

Stock #: 680855


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de en it * In-game text: yes