Happy Aua
From the German language labyrinth
German language - difficult language! Bastian Sick has collected print errors, spelling errors, funny expressions etc., all documented with pictures.
At the start of the game you agree on the number of cards you want to play, the rules suggest six cards. The game master for the round turns up the first card and shows it to all players, the backside must remain hidden.
In a version of the „Nobody is perfect“ game mechanisms all players now write down as funny or witty and fancy comment on the current image and hand the sheet face-down to the game master. He shuffles all sheets and then reads out the first two comments; all players vote by thumbs up or thumbs down if they like the second one better than the first or not, the favorite is placed on top; then the next sheet is drawn, read out and players again vote if they like this comment better than the current favorite or not; this is repeated until the final favorite is determined. If you wrote the final favorite who is now on top of the stack you win the round and receive the card. After a pre-set number of cards you win with most cards.
The choice of examples is fantastic, my personal favorites among the cards are “Schuhlbuchbestellung”, haut-strafende Körperlotion“ and „Gespräche mit nicht anwesenden Lehrkräften“, this one is even accompanied by an arrow pointing to the teachers that are not there. There is no limit to your imagination or sarcasm as regards to comments; I also like the direct comparison of the comments two by two, despite the rather long time for voting, because each comment is taken into consideration better in this way.
Players: 3-6
Age: 10+
Time: 45+
Designer: Bastian Sick
Artist: Pohl & Rick, Barbara Thoben
Price: ca. 6 Euro
Publisher: Kosmos 2011
Genre: Creative language game
Users: With friends
Version: de
Rules: de
In-game text: yes
Excellent choice of examples
Nice way of scoring
Double fun due to the comments of Bastian Sick
Compares to:
Nobody is perfect, Der Dativ ist dem Genetiv sein Tod
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 0
Tactic (turquoise): 0
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 0
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0