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The FUN Answer game
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A somewhat different quiz game, you read out the answer and must find a corresponding question. The cards are shuffled and then cards are drawn, depending on the number of players, and stacked. In your move you turn up the top card, roll the die and read out the answer with this number. All players including you write down a possible question fitting the answer. Then all questions are read out loud and players score points for correlations. Each player scores the number of correlations between him and other players. If the question is identical, an extra point is scored. So, if three players have written down an absolutely identical question, they score 3+3 points each, e.g. What is your favorite jam for the answer strawberry. When the pre-prepared stack of cards has been used up, the player with the highest score wins.
So far so simple and rather funny, but as usual the devil is in the details. First one has to be aware of grammatical differences, so you can ask what do you use to eat your dinner? when the answer is fork and knife, but not how do you eat your dinner because the answer to that would be with fork and knife. On the other hand – for the answer only with cream both do you like coffee and how do you drink your coffee are considered to correlate. Heated discussions seem to be intended by the designers! And keep in mind – Original thinking is not aim of the game, keep it simple and basic, because otherwise you amuse your fellow players, but do not score. Definitely an interesting addition to the party-game range!
Spieler : 3-8
Alter : ages 12 and up
Dauer : ca. 45 min
Autor : Peter Wichmann
Grafik : Bernd Wagenfeld
Vertrieb A. : Kauffert
Preis : ca. 16,00 Euro
Verlag : Kosmos 2010
Genre : Party and communication
Zielgruppe : With friends
Mechanismen : invent questions, score correlations
Zufall :
Wissen :
Planung :
Kreativität : 7
Kommunikation : 7
Geschicklichkeit :
Action :
Funny reverse of a well-known mechanism
Discussions might occur over what correlates
Nobody is perfect and others featuring text correlation
No english version