Gregs Tagebuch Von Idioten umzingelt


You try to get your character to first place in the popularity ranking by revealing cards. Ranking cards are displayed, character cards are aligned left of the ranking cars. The starting player has the Cheese Curse and must do all jobs relating to the game. The active player reveals one of three action cards and can end hit turn and adjust his position or reveal the next card. If the Stinky Cheese cards is drawn the turn ends immediately, but he still adjusts his position according to all revealed cards. When a player is in 1st position, you win at the end of the round if you are in 1st position, but only if you do not have the cheese curse; otherwise the next player in the ranking wins.


Card game for 3-6 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Kosmos 2012

Designer: Friedemann Friese

Artist: Pohl & Rick


Stock#: 741570


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no